This guide will show you the locations of all collectible items (fish, paintbrush and cocktail umbrella) in Sackboy, required to achieve Player’s Player achievement / trophy.

5. Umbrella
World: The Colossal Canopy
Level: The Struggle is Rail
The Struggle is Rail level is found under the secret passage of The Colossal Canopy but is counted as the Interstellar Junction level. Right after the level starts, ride on your first rail wagon until the very end of the road. Then jump right and proceed on the hidden area until you reach the end, where you will notice a purple umbrella.

7. Umbrella
World: Knitted Knight Trial
Level: Trial 11: Trial by Fire
Knightly Energy Cube for this trial is collected in the Pros And Conveyors level in The Interstellar Junction world. When you reach the end of the first spewing fire platform, look in the top left corner, jump over the bouncing pads to collect your umbrella.

8. Umbrella
World: The Center of Craftworld
Level: Crate Expectations
At some point in the level, you will reach an area with a dragon archer enemy and two balloon bombs behind him. On the left side, there will be four large boxes which you need to blow up with the bombs. After doing so, a smaller box will fall. Throw it on the bombs, and the umbrella will be your reward.